Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

An example of how my brain works when I am alone. And yes, there is a difference in how my brain operates from when I am alone to when there are people around me. No animals do not count. Well petting my cat may relieve some stress allowing for more "brain flow".

Is a glass half full or empty?

Depends on the relation of the question. It is an open question with many possible answers. Only through experience do I know that the question is to judge ones out look on life.

This is how my brain would process the question:

Was is the context? Was the glass filled or emptied? It it was filled then it is half full. If it was emptied it is half empty. Is it a question of measurement? Since measurement is infinite then a true half can never be determined unless a range of predetermined measurement is specified.

This is a tiny example...

So, to one on the "spectrum" every question is a loaded question. The more literal and specific you can be the better.

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